Your Valentine's Day gift has its origins in a ritual of fertility and blood!
Unveiling the Fertility Rituals of Lupercalia in the Tale of Saint Valentine

In the enchanting tapestry of history, the origins of Valentine's Day weave a captivating tale that stretches back to the heart of ancient Rome. Unraveling the threads of time, we find ourselves immersed in the traditions of Lupercalia, a fertility festival pulsating with mystique.
Join us on a journey through the ages as we explore the fascinating connection between Lupercalia's sacred rituals and the modern celebration of love embodied in Saint Valentine.
The Dance of Fertility
Picture the cobblestone streets of ancient Rome, where the air is charged with anticipation. Lupercalia, a festival dedicated to Lupercus, the Roman god of fertility, takes center stage. A crescendo of excitement builds as priests, known as Luperci, clad in ceremonial garb, prepare to unleash the enchantment of the februa – strips of hide imbued with the essence of life.
The Sacrificial Overture
The festival's overture begins with the solemn sacrifice of a male goat and a dog, symbolizing the raw, primal forces of fertility. The mingling scents of fires and offerings rise to the gods, setting the stage for the mystical rites that follow.
Whispers of the Luperci
As the Luperci receive the hides of the sacrificed animals, a hushed anticipation blankets the city. These young priests, bearers of ancient wisdom, are about to embark on a journey through the labyrinthine streets, wielding the februa like conduits of love and fertility.
The Naked Whipping Dance

In this ancient Roman revelry, Lupercalia unfolded as a festival where the boundaries of civilized life were gleefully upended—a spirited return to primordial roots. As the Luperci, clad in nothing but the bare essentials, their modesty preserved by the scantiest of coverings over their private parts, embarked on a playful yet potent journey through the streets. The afterglow of the hearty feast, likely seasoned with libations and wine, infused the air with a heady mix of celebration and abandon.
Imagine the Luperci, their naked bodies adorned only with symbols of fertility, running through the city streets. In a state of joyful inebriation, the Luperci exuded an unrestrained energy.
In this uninhibited revelry, the Luperci, with februa in hand, approached women who willingly showcased their bellies and more, a gesture symbolizing an openness to life and the blessings of fertility. The anticipation hung thick in the air as the Luperci, almost certainly intoxicated by the festivities, delivered gentle yet potent strokes with the februa, each whip infused with the essence of the sacrificial blood.
It was a surreal scene, a fusion of the sacred and the primal, where the veneer of societal norms dissolved, and the ancient echoes of untamed instincts reverberated through the cobblestone alleys. The women, with bared bellies, embraced the symbolic communion with the Luperci, seeking the potent magic of the ritual to grace their wombs with the gift of fertility.
In this second phase of the festival, the Luperci assumed a dual role, metamorphosing into both goats and wolves. As goats, they channeled the fertility of the sacrificial animals to the land and women through the symbolic whips. Meanwhile, as wolves, they circled the Palatine Hill, invoking an invisible magical barrier, a remnant of ancient shepherds' spells to safeguard their flocks from wolf attacks. The offering of the goat was believed to appease the hunger of potential lupine assailants. Scholars like Quilici suggest that this practice likely extended beyond the Palatine to all regions where sheep farming prevailed in pre-urban times.
The etymology of Lupercalia, Luperci, and Lupercus remains shrouded in uncertainty, yet it undeniably centers around the word "lupus" (wolf). Scholars like Ludwig Preller, Georg Wissowa, and Ludwig Deubner propose a compound derived from "lupus" and "arcere" ("to chase"), hinting at the primal essence of the Lupercalia rites - a chase to conjure fertility, ward off evil, and celebrate the intertwining dance of life.
Saint Valentine's Serenade
As centuries unfold, the echoes of Lupercalia reverberate in the legend of Saint Valentine. In defiance of Emperor Claudius II's decree, Saint Valentine clandestinely unites young couples in matrimony, echoing the themes of love and fertility inherent in Lupercalia.
Legacy of Love
Fast forward to the present day, where roses, chocolates, and heartfelt sentiments adorn the celebration of Valentine's Day. The echoes of Lupercalia linger in the air as we exchange tokens of affection, tracing the lineage of love through the annals of time.
In these vivid scenes of Lupercalia, we discern the unmistakable origins of the contemporary celebration of Saint Valentine's Day. The echoes of this ancient festival resound in the modern rituals that color our world with love, passion, and celebration.
The deep crimson hue that permeates Valentine's Day finds its roots in the sacrificial blood that once adorned the februa, those enchanted whips of Lupercalia. The color red, then as now, serves as a visceral reminder of the life force coursing through our veins, linking the sacred past to the romantic present.
The love between man and woman, a cornerstone of Lupercalia's fertility-focused festivities, remains an enduring theme in our celebration of Saint Valentine. Love as a precursor to procreation, and thus fertility, mirrors the contemporary emphasis on romantic unions and relationships that blossom into enduring partnerships.
Of course, the modern iteration of Valentine's Day has evolved, offering a more civil and socially acceptable expression of love. The frenetic fervor of Lupercalia has given way to romantic dinners, heartfelt gestures, and thoughtful gifts. Yet, in these contemporary expressions, we discern the indelible imprints of an ancient celebration that embraced the intertwined forces of life, love, and fertility.
As we exchange tokens of affection, indulge in the richness of chocolate, and immerse ourselves in the celebration of love, let us recognize the timeless thread that connects the modern Valentine's Day to the spirited revelry of Lupercalia—an ode to the enduring essence of love, transcending the ages.

In delving into the ancestral origins of the celebration of Saint Valentine, we share a tale that is at times intriguing and even unsettling. At Wildhorn, we have committed ourselves to explore the roots and harness the primordial power that lies therein. That's why we've chosen to create a concentrate of only pure, natural ingredients – a tribute to the primal force that inspired ancient celebrations too.
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Let this Valentine's Day be a celebration that connects the past to the present, honoring the enduring essence of love.

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Amour Atemporel
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Lots of love and joy