Capture the Magic of Autumn: Wildhorn Photo-Image Contest
Theme: "The Secret Magic of Autumn"
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As the leaves turn to fiery shades of red and orange, and the crisp air fills our lungs, nature reveals its most enchanting colors. It's time to celebrate the stunning beauty of autumn.
"The Secret Magic of Autumn" contest hosted on Wildhorn Swiss is your opportunity to share your love for Nature and the magic of the autumn season with the world.
3rd place
Ata Mohammad Adnan: Flowers of Kolkata
2nd place
Rayhan Ahmed: The amazing beauty of autumn sunrise
1st place
Aung Chan Thar: Autumn morning
🍁 What to Capture: A Photo, Painting, AI generated image
Take your smartphone or camera or computer or pencil and submit your best image that encapsulates the magic, secrets, mysteries of autumn in the most captivating way.
Whether it's the striking hues of fall foliage, the magic of misty mornings, or the wildlife preparing for the winter ahead – the possibilities are endless.
🌲 How to Partecipate: send us your work
To enter your work (1 only photo per participant)
And don't forget to provide a title and a brief description that tells the story behind your image.
All the photos and images submitted, will be then published on a dedicated online photo gallery.
Among the top 5 images with the most votes(from the public), we will select the winners based on the quality of the submissions.
By participating in the contest, you accept the following Terms and Conditions
🏆 Win Big: Prizes Worth $1200+ USD
Wildhorn is excited to offer some fantastic prizes for the winners:
1st Place: Commercial Value of $1200+ USD
- A whole year's supply of our premium Wildhorn Skincare Oil (6 bottles).
2nd Place: Commercial Value of $600+ USD
- A supply of our premium Wildhorn Skincare Oil for Autumn and Winter (3 bottles).
3rd Place: Commercial Value of $200+ USD
- 1 bottle of the Wildhorn Skincare Oil
Contest Timeline:
- Submissions Open: November 1, 2023
- Submission Deadline: November 30, 2023
- Voting starts: December 1, 2023
- Voting ends: December 10, 2023
- Winners Announcement: December 11, 2023
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Swiss Alpine Regenerating Facial Oil
Im Herzen der Schweiz haben wir all unsere Energie darauf verwendet, ein außergewöhnliches und einzigartiges Produkt zu schaffen (ja, wir produzieren nur den Wildhorn!), ein Jugendelixier für Ihre Haut, dank der Kraft der kaltgepressten Wirkstoffe aus in der Schweiz angebauten Pflanzen.
Dieser kosmetische Schatz wurde sorgfältig mit Zutaten formuliert, die aus schweizerischem Boden stammen und in begrenzten Mengen in einem Labor hergestellt wurden, das ISO 22716 entspricht.
Seine Wirksamkeit wurde durch strenge Labortests an menschlichen Freiwilligen nachgewiesen. Die kaltgepressten, nicht raffinierten Wirkstoffe arbeiten synergistisch zusammen, um die Hautelastizität zu steigern und die sichtbaren Zeichen der Zeit zu mindern.
Was den Wildhorn wirklich einzigartig macht, ist seine 100% natürliche Zusammensetzung mit Inhaltsstoffen aus in den unberührten Schweizer Bergen angebauten Pflanzen.