Wildhorn Swiss Alpine Regenerating Facial Oil by Sabrina Guilloud

<a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn1PlUSCpzb/?hl=fr" title="Instagram post by Sabrina Guilloud" target="_blank">Sabrina Guilloud</a>

Wildhorn Swiss Alpine Regenerating Facial Oil by Sabrina Guilloud

This is a huge honor and pleasure to reveal you the new campaign from Wildhorn - a fine cosmetics brand, which has been introduced to the press 2 weeks ago. 
The whole story began 15 year ago when I met Hervé Loubet, the founder of Wildhorn, on the backstage of one L’Oréal hairshow - at that time the very beginning of my modelling « career ».
He was working for OPI and we just had a good connection. The years passed and we stayed in touch, I worked for him a few times, have been sponsored by O.P.I for a long while, and lately he asked me if I would be interested to be the face representing his new cosmetic line: 
W I L D H O R N .
I very obviously answered YES as I am very enthousiastic about the respectful and ecological direction he decided his brand to take.

Wildhorn is a line of products created in Switzerland, using the fruits and natural products of Switzerland and I am proud to be the Swiss face representing this high quality Swiss brand. 
Hervé is someone that I greatly admire. He believes in his dreams and fight for them sticking to his great values. Keep going that way! You have all my support and admiration! 

#wildhorn #advertising #campaign #ad #covergirl 
@sabrinaguilloud #finecosmetics #cosmetics #model #modelling
#switerzland #swissmade #swissquality 

Post by @sabrinaguilloud
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