<a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BphYTUhnAAy/" title="Instagram post by @une_pluie_d_encens" target="_blank">Une Pluie d'Encens</a>
Today’s post isn’t about perfume (although this product smells amazing!), it’s about this newly launched luxury face oil that was kindly sent to me a few weeks ago.
Wildhorn Fine Cosmetics is a new Swiss natural cosmetics company created by the man who brought OPI to Switzerland, Hervé Loubet.
Using 100% active ingredients (yes that’s right, 100%), 99,9% of them being sourced from Swiss nature and agriculture, this Swiss Alpine Regenerating Facial Oil has a visible effect on the skin that is noticeable after a few applications. The oils composing it have hydrating, nourishing antioxidant and rejuvenating properties. The composition of the product is clean and exempt of any petrochemicals, silicones, fillers and emulsifiers. Most of you don’t know this, but before egyptology, I was a chemistry teacher. I taught chemistry in high school for over 10 years and managed two laboratories in two different locations. After that, I worked in chemistry in the beauty industry, so from a scientist’s point of view, this product is clean.
I’ve been testing this oil for the past month and already feel my 38 year old skin is firmer, more moisturised and glowing. .
Swiss Alpine Regenerating Facial Oil can be used alone or added to a face cream. I like to apply it on my skin after having sprayed some rose water and then massaging it in.
Rapidly absorbed, it doesn’t leave a greasy residue like some oils do but gives you a beautiful glow.
Available in Switzerland in certain pharmacies (180 CHF for 13ml) but Hervé assured me that it will be available worldwide shortly via their website www.wildhorn.swiss.
#une_pluie_d_encens #cosmetics #skincare #luxuryskincare #topshelf
#faceoil #facialoil #swissmade #naturalcosmetics #wildhornfinecosmetics
#swissalpineregeneratingfacialoil #huilevisage
Post by @une_pluie_d_encens